
Friday, July 15, 2016

The first week on the CT. 7/8-14/2016

Arrived in Denver at the airport & met up with Peggy, took the light rail to Littleton & got a hotel, dinner and the next day took off for the trail after Ubering a ride to Waterton Canyon Trailhead. 
There was a 6 mile walk on a dirt road used by lots of bikers, joggers and day walkers. The road passed by a dam over the Platte River 
We then took off uphill with mountain bikers passing us laboring up and zipping down. Our packs are heavy, we got 3 liters of water at a small creek & decided to dry camp at the high spot (7,500 ft elev.) of the segment in the boulders. 
My tent in the evening. We were both tired and kept ourselves awake til a decent hour hoping for a good nights sleep. It was quite hot, probably in the 90s and we were glad for the shaded forest most of the hike today, our mileage   was 12.3 miles. Good enough.
The next day 7/9- Sunday, we crossed the South Fork of the Platte River
Crossed on a bridge after loading up on water for a steep uphill and a day of hiking through a burn area. Hot and exposed with temps in the 90s we knew it was going to be hard. 
After reaching a point we decided to hole up out of the sun so we slept the hours away under the pines, moving our stuff as the sun moved across the sky, keeping in the shade. Every breeze was welcome. We took off up the trail at about 4pm and hiked until we ran out of trees. After stting down to dinner, we hiked at about 6pm  across the exposed burned area, it was a great time to get through it while the sun was going down. Much better than in the heat of the day.
We camped under a group of trees on a ridge, no tent fly on, watching the Milky Way stretch across the sky in brilliance. The night was balmy and warm. We put in 13.4 miles today. 
Last night was absolutely the best night's sleep I've ever had on trail. Could be because the last 2 haven't been great!
We've finished 2 segments and are starting on the 3rd today. This one has lots of steep uphill and downhills but the CT's methods can be either gnarly (for bikers) or noodly (which I like best). We again holed up for about 3 hours to nap through the heat. When we set out again My tummy felt hollow, so we ate food & had more water. The altitude may the culprit so I'll have to watch that closely. 
Blue Columbine, the Colorado State flower. 
A rare endangered Rocky Mountain Lily. We were lucky to see 2 of them!

After we set up our tents for the night in a 'bleh' sort of meadow I watched a little meadow critter pull stalks of plants down into his hole, they just shimmied, danced around a bit then disappeared! We woke up to wet tents etc. but we can dry everything out later. 
Segment 4 has lots of steep uphill portions, getting us up to the 10,000 foot elevation. It also goes into wilderness so we'll see no bikers on the trail for the next 2 segments. Passing through beautiful old growth aspen forests, one trunk I estimate was 34" around! 

Aspen eyes. 
At one point Peggy took one of my liters to help me get up the steep hills better (what a kind gesture!)  she seems to have endless uphill strength while the downhill is easier for me.   Some of the trail was so steep, we can't figure out why a few switchbacks couldn't be used, ah well!
Finally we descended a long way to a beautiful alpine meadow with a creek running through. We walked past a big camp area searching for a more remote campsite, which we found about 3 miles further. 
Because of the altitude we slept in our wool leggings etc. to keep warm. Good thing we did! 
The next morning it was soooo cold, down jackets, hats pulled low we stepped onto the trail to a headwind that about froze our fingers off. Just up the trail we found an entire herd of cows and calves on the trail coming toward us bawling and calling.  We ended up driving them before us for a 1/2 hour at least, hollering " Git Along Little Doggies"!
Lots of cow poop and spattered pant legs later they finally left the trail and we could get going! 
Bristlecone Pines, Spruce Trees, Jeffrey Pine make up the forests here, interspersed with Aspen groves. Beautiful granite outcropping make for pretty pictures. 
We camped on a ridge with another woman from Vermont whose hiking partner broke his foot last night. Luckily there was an RVer who drove into camp and was leaving the next morning. He took him out to get help. 
Today we hike out to Fairplay and resupply. 
Our B & B, the Hand Hotel built in 1930 with hand hewn planks for siding. 
Selfie of myself, Peggy & Lady Grey, our friend from Vermont. We celebrated her birthday with a nice dinner.
Tomorrow morning we hitch back to Kenosha Pass for another 71 miles to Leadville and resupply. Appreciate all your prayers and good wishes, we are having a wonderful hike. 

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